Here's A Guaranteed Way To
Get More Done In Less Time!
P.S. If you’re still here, you’re probably on the fence. And in that case, there’s only one thing I can suggest: JUST DO IT!
If you've read this far, it's because you KNOW you need help growing and scaling your business. Outsourcing to a Virtual Assistant will be an absolute game-changer for you... but only if you do it right.
So, learn how to do it right! Use the button below, get registered, and take some decisive, positive action!
Dear Business Acquisition Practitioner,
Do any of these sound like you?
- You feel stressed about your Business Acquisition journey almost all the time?
- Your Business Acquisition growth is at a standstill, or not growing fast enough, because you don't have time to focus on the big picture?
- You seem to be spending all of your spare hours working on Business Acquisition?
- You're so overwhelmed by everything you need to do that you don't do hardly anything?
- You don't know how to delegate... or you've tried delegating to others, but they either disappear or don't do the job?
- You'd like to outsource some of your tasks, but just don't know where to start?
What If We Changed The Picture For You?
Imagine, instead, you had an extra two hours per day or more per week. What would you do with that time?
- Call more prospective Board Members or business partners?
- Get out from under the mountain of work you've been trying to get through?
- Finish a task that's been on your To-Do List for months?
- Or maybe just work fewer hours and spend more time on the people and things you love!
The truth is, most Business Acquisition practitioners, like you, spend far too many hours doing tasks that can easily be outsourced.
High Performers say, 'the CEO doesn't work in the mailroom," but that's exactly where the majority of you are spending your time.
And when you're spending time on those types of tasks, you're not growing your business. You're just burning yourself out.
What if you were able to hand a big piece of those tasks to someone else?
Do you think you'd be able to achieve a higher level of success and satisfaction.
And that 'someone else' is a Virtual Assistant!
When you hire a Virtual Assistant, it represents a turning point in your Business Acquisition journey.
It's at this point you stop being the bottleneck, and you can really scale up your efforts... and your results!
So... why don't most people hire a Virtual Assistant right away?
Usually it's because of one or more of the following reasons:
- They believe nobody really understands the Business Acquisition Process
- They're control freaks
- They worry it will take too much time to train someone
- They think a VA is too expensive
- They believe a VA won't do the task as well as they can
- They don't know where to find a good VA
- They don't know how to manage a VA once they find them
The whole process of finding, hiring and managing a Virtual Assistant can be daunting.
But it doesn't have to be.
And hiring a VA to outsource your work to can be one of the best things you can do for your Business Acquisition journey!
To help flatten the learning curve, I've created a new program that takes you, step-by-step, through the entire process!
I'm going to walk you through the key steps to hiring and managing your first Virtual Assistant!
- An EXCLUSIVE Interview with MY Virtual Assistant!
Take a peek 'behind-the-curtain' and listen in as I interview my Virtual Assistant about how things look from her side of the monitor!
- Sample Virtual Assistant Want-Ad!
I'm going to do the heavy lifting for you. If you're worried about screwing up the Want-Ad, stop worrying. Just use the one I'm going to give you!
- My List of Powerful and Effective Interview Questions!
In case you're concerned that you won't ask the right questions during the interview process, I'm going to help you out by giving you my list of 'must-ask' questions. Leave no stone unturned with these powerful, revealing questions!
To sign up and get INSTANT, LIFETIME ACCESS, use the button below:
All the best,
Bruce Whipple
Struggling With Business Acquisition?
Here's just some of what we're going to cover:
- The benefits of Outsourcing
- How to overcome your fear of Outsourcing
- What CAN be outsourced
- What CAN'T be outsourced
- How to decide what you will outsource
- What does Outsourcing Cost
- How to determine the qualifications for your Virtual Assistant
- Where to find your Virtual Assistant
- How to write your 'Want-Ad'
- How to narrow down your candidates
- 'Must-Ask' questions during your candidate interviews
- How to train your Virtual Assistant
- Setting expectations for your Virtual Assistant
- Tools to communicate with and manage your Virtual Assistant
- Growing Your Organization - When to add more Virtual Assistants!
- I'm going to walk you through the key steps to hiring and managing your first Virtual Assistant!
- ...and more!

When you finish this Masterclass, you'll have all the information you need to confidently hire and successfully manage your first Virtual Assistant!
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(C)2022, Bruce Whipple, All Rights Reserved