Weekly Mastermind Group Meeting
Choose Your Payment Plan
©2020-23, BruceWhipple.com/Fitness From Science, LLC, All rights reserved
Limited to twelve people who are truly committed to their Business Acquisition goals. The VIP Mastermind is the answer to the question, 'What's next?'
Weekly Mastermind Group Meeting
The Mastermind will meet on a Zoom conference once per week. Unlike Group Coaching, these Mastermind meetings will be focused on each of your specific challenges and how you can support each other in moving forward.
I will be there to facilitate these interactions, add my expertise and support where I can, and make sure that each of you are progressing as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Like the Mastermind itself, these meetings are only for the people who are most committed to their success.

Once per month, we'll meet 1-on-1 on a video conference. We'll dive deep into the specific challenges and questions you have, answer and overcome them, and push forward.
These 1-on-1s are designed for rapid progress. I expect you to come to each one organized, with a list of questions and topics you'd like to discuss.
Together, we'll get more accomplished in a half-hour than most Business Acquisition people get done in a year!
Monthly 1-on-1 Meeting With Bruce
A Mastermind is a group of like-minded professionals focused on the same goal.
People in a Mastermind have the ability to borrow and use the education and experience of others in the Mastermind to carry out your own plans.
When you're part of a Mastermind, and you're all working together, you'll be able to achieve more of your individual goals faster than you ever could working on your own.
What Is A Mastermind?


billed monthly for 12 months
Monthly 1-on-1 Meeting with Bruce

Two 2-Day Group Retreats per year

billed annually (Save 10%!)
Two Virtual
Group Retreats Per Year
We'll meet for 2-day Group Retreats two times per year.
These types of long-form Mastermind meetings provide a level of intensity and focus you simply can't replicate. As a result, the progress you can make during these two days is exponential. I'll also be inviting other experts to join us and help with areas of the journey you may be struggling with.
These are the perfect types of events to keep you on track and playing at your highest level year-round!

If you've participated in any of my other programs, you know I usually place severe restrictions on when and how people can contact me.
Mastermind Members, on the other hand, have almost unrestricted access.
I'll give you my secret Facebook Messenger address, and you'll be able to reach out to me there with questions or problems 24/7. Since Facebook Messenger is loaded on my mobile device, your messages will reach me pretty much anywhere, and I'll respond to you as soon as possible.
24/7 Access To Bruce via FB Messenger
Secret VIP Facebook Group
You'll be granted exclusive access to our 24/7 Secret VIP Mastermind Facebook Group!
This is where VIP Mastermind Members will be able to communicate with me and each other between weekly meetings, asking questions, sharing information and more.
Having the VIP Facebook Group creates an even greater sense of community and advances the Mastermind principle.

I'll be using special tools to monitor your progress and keep you accountable. These tools are ONLY for VIP Mastermind Members, and are designed to help you not only stay on track, but move you forward fast!
Free Access To Mastermind
Accountability Tools
Free Access To All Future Products
Over the course of your VIP Mastermind Membership, when ever I release a new product, class, Boot Camp, etc., you'll receive it free!

"Brainstorming as a team and sourcing ideas from each other, you have a better chance of coming up with a strategy that will allow your business to overcome challenges and thrive."
- Sir Richard Branson
Mastermind Program Benefits
24/7 Access To Bruce via Facebook Messenger

Secret VIP Facebook Group

Free Access To Exclusive Mastermind Accountability Tools

Free Access To All Future Products

Weekly Mastermind Group Meeting

Monthly 1-on-1 Meeting with Bruce

Two 2-day Retreats per year

24/7 Access To Bruce via Facebook Messenger

Secret VIP Facebook Group

Free Access To Exclusive Mastermind Accountability Tools

Free Access To All Future Products

Being the cardholder or Corporate Officer, by completing this purchase, I understand and agree to pay, and specifically authorize Fitness From Science LLC (DBA brucewhipple.com) to charge my credit card for the professional services provided.
I further agree that in the event my credit card becomes invalid, I will provide Fitness From Science LLC (DBA brucewhipple.com) with a new valid credit card immediately, and will maintain appropriate credit limits on the credit card account to cover the payment schedule to avoid interruption of service.
This agreement is accepted and forms an agreement between myself (customer) and Fitness From Science LLC (DBA brucewhipple.com) (we/us/I) as represented by Bruce Whipple.
Each party agrees not to disclose information provided by the other party except as specifically granted in writing. Once payment has been made, the VIP Mastermind Program agreement has begun and there are no full or partial refunds.
I acknowledge that the fees paid are nonrefundable, and agree that I will not institute chargeback proceedings for any charges made pursuant to this Agreement.
Fitness From Science LLC (DBA brucewhipple.com) is committed to providing all VIP Mastermind Program participants with a positive Program experience.
By completing the purchase through the "Complete my purchase" payment button and , I agree that Fitness From Science LLC (DBA brucewhipple.com) may, as its sole discretion, terminate this agreement, and limit, suspend, or terminate my participation in the Program without refund or forgiveness of the remaining monthly payments if I become disruptive or difficult to work with, if I fail to follow the Program guidelines, or if I impair the participation of Program instructors or participants in the Program.
CONFIDENTIALITY. I agree to keep all program materials ("Confidential Information") and any shared proprietary data & information completely confidential. This includes any material shared or posted outside the Fitness From Science LLC (DBA brucewhipple.com) mastermind members area (e.g. VIP Mastermind with Bruce Whipple Facebook Group).
This information is not to be retransmitted, retaught or shared in anyway without prior written consent.
EARNINGS DISCLAIMER. I agree that no promises have been made to how much I will earn from following the material taught in the VIP Mastermind Program.
Every effort has been made to accurately represent this program and it's potential, however, no one can guarantee that I will earn a specific amount of money using the materials.
HOLD HARMLESS. I agree to hold harmless Fitness From Science LLC (DBA brucewhipple.com) and Bruce Whipple from any and all claims, actions, judgments, including all costs of defense and attorney's fees incurred in defending against same, arising from and related to my business or personal efforts in relation to following the educational material from the VIP Mastermind Program.